Georgios Kopakakis
Attorney before the Greek Supreme Court
An active litigator since 1992,
I have extensive courtroom experience,
ranging from the lower courts to Plenary Sessions of the Supreme Court

- Bachelor of Laws, University of Athens
- Master of Laws, specialisation in International Intellectual Property Law, University of London
My clients find in me a capable, decent and responsible professional who loves his job and respects a lawyer’s institutional role; an attorney of repute, both among lawyers and before any court of law. A skilled and well-informed jurist, with a deep and well-rounded understanding of substantive law and a comprehensive knowledge of procedural rules.I am persistent, yet calm and flexible. I am known for my attention to detail and my integrity and I respect client confidentiality. As a lawyer, I am not in favour of following the ‘beaten path’. I always try to find the optimal route to the desired outcome and am not afraid to tread new ground.I can identify the substance of each case, my speeches in court are convincing, my legal documents are comprehensive and well-thought-out and my perception is clear.
I possess a mathematical and Aristotelean way of thinking.I try to keep sight of the human aspect of each case, even in cases of trite law. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the University of Athens and a Master of Laws Degree in International Intellectual Property Law from the University of London. I have an excellent grasp of English. I am also fluent in French and an advanced speaker of Italian and German. My experience extends itself in all but a few facets of the law. However, I primarily specialise in all aspects of civil law, in labour law, contract law, competition law, compensation law and the law on intellectual property and copyright protection.
The law rules over social situations and social situations do not occur in isolation; it is only normal that several aspects of the law will apply to each case. Dealing with these cases requires solid knowledge of all aspects of law and a familiarity with civil law, which is the general private law regulating all facets of social life, from one’s personal situation and family relations to all kinds of agreements and transactions. A lawyer needs these strong foundations to identify the specific aspects of each case and adjust his legal analysis accordingly, taking the specific rules applicable to each case into account and bearing in mind that every manifestation of social life presents itself many sides and dimensions. Finally, one cannot properly handle any legal case without a solid grasp of procedural rules, which determine how is a right to be exercised or how is a claim to be brought before the courts. Having a claim or a defence never suffices. One must also know how to pursue their claims or present their defences correctly and effectively.
As a lawyer, I do have a thorough and profound knowledge of all aspects of civil law, of the philosophy behind its provisions and of the way civil law is interpreted by the courts. I have extensive courtroom experience, combined with a solid and comprehensive understanding of procedural law.
Finally, I have a satisfactory knowledge of criminal and administrative law and especially of the areas closest to those aspects of law I mostly deal with. This enables me to make the most of my knowledge in the areas in which I have specialised and in which I have considerable experience, to properly examine the laws and case law related to each particular case and to fully assess all the aspects of each case I handle.